He just got back for a while from outstation last week. So we decided to make that HIV test before he's being sent off again. First choice was Poliklinik Kesihatan Seri Kembangan in Serdang. After calling them up, we found that they only perform HIV test on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2pm-4pm. But he wanted to have it on Tuesday. Second choice was Klinik Kesihatan in Bangi. They do HIV tests on Monday - Thursday (if I'm not mistaken, but not on alternate days la). 2pm-4pm also. So he took a day off on Tuesday and planned out our outing.
From 11am morning, we stopped by Proton showroom and picked our first ride together. :) Next, we went to AlRajhi to apply for some financial aid. Then, we dozed off to Klinik Kesihatan Bangi. We arrived there around 1.45pm. We need to wait till 2pm sharp to get the form and number. The first number of the day was 701, and both of us were 703 & 704. Weee. Yeah. For a while. We started to make noises when it was 2.15pm and #701 is still not being called yet. 2 nurses only entered room no.7 around 2.30pm. I was holding my medical checkup form (for my MEng intake) in one hand and the no. taken in another. None of my numbers (HIV test / medical checkup) were called. 2.45pm, he's fallen asleep while I'm on standby in case he falls to the other side. :P 3pm, #701 was called. Like, finally. And then after that the flow goes smoothly. We got in not long after that. When I was tested, I asked the nurse why my number was not being called for medical checkup? The doctor at the back said I should have attached my form with the number and put it in the red basket, where the HIV test form was put in outside the room. Erkhh. And how am I supposed to know that? After a few poor pleads, the nurse agreed to perform my checkup on the same day, only a bit later. Thank God my dear sweetheart did not freak out and waited patiently for everything to be over. And guess what, we left about 5.30pm. For him to wait patiently till the very last minute, was super impressive. Thanks, yoy! :)
After that, we had our lunch at about 6pm at Restoran Azura, a nearby restaurant, and it was superb! Great food with great price! Situated right behind Petronas station. I think it's somewhere in SS3, Bangi. This is a free promo. Go ahead and try if you're around the area.
Here's some tips before going for HIV test - specifically in Klinik Kesihatan Bangi (based on our experience) :
- Arrive early - the registration starts at 2pm, but by 1.45pm many people have been waiting and soon as the counter opens, you will have to queue up and get your number. Then, you have to wait for another hour before the 1st number is called. If you are rushing off somewhere, better come early. Not too early, though. As medical centre is not a safe place, afterall.
- When registering, you will be given a form each with your number attached. Please pay RM1 each person and proceed to room no.7 on your right (room no.7 on your left is for pregnancies)
- Fill in the form before you drop it in the red basket (on the counter in front of room no.7) and have a seat before your number is called. No need to take another number at the counter, since you've been given one already earlier.
- When your number is called, go into the room, sit on the chair and raise your left hand on the table. Don't panic, the nurse will take your left middle finger before she pokes you with a stapler-kinda-thingy where your blood will be dropped on the tester.
- If 1 line appears, congratulations, you're HIV-free! If not, I hope you seek for medical advice soon.
As for medical checkups,
- Call a day before and make appointment! (Even though the operator said you don't have to, insist on making one!)
- Proceed to room no.7 at 2pm, print out a number from the counter and place your medical checkup form together with your number in the red box (same as above).
- After your number is being called, the doctor will go through your form and notify if you are eligible for the checkup. A pink slip will be attached with your form.
- Proceed to registration counter to pay stamp duty fee. In my case, RM20 only. A receipt will be attached with your form.
- Bring the documents and proceed to X-ray room (next to room no.7), submit your form in the box on the table and wait for your name to be called.
- When your name is called, enter the X-ray room, where you will be asked to change to a white outfit, after you've taken off everything, waist-up.
- Wait a few minutes for the film to be ready. Your name will be called.
- Return to room no.7 for a quick eye test. I wasn't wearing spectacles, so the guy only did a quick colour blind test for me. I passed. :)
- Submit the form to kaunter saringan (opposite room no.7) and wait for your name to be called. Blood pressure checked. Height and weight measured.
- Next, go to counter of room no.10. Submit the form in the red box. Wait for name to be called. Produce your specimen and submit to the counter. (",)
- Return to registration counter and they will notify you which room to enter to see the doctor. Use the previous number when you were in room no.7.
- When your number is called, enter the room to meet doctor for final checkup.
- Done!
Phew~. FYI, medical checkup is not needed to get married. It's only for my university intake.
What a looooong day.
Oh, by the way. We are HIV-negative! Alhamdulillah...