Thursday, August 12, 2010

Permohonan untuk kebenaran berkahwin

Salam and good day. As you've seen in previous posts, DrummerBoi has elaborated very well on how are the procedures to apply for marriage registration (for men). Today, I wanted to proceed for my part, but encounter few problems.

First, thanks to the groom's side, the forms are well done BUT they left out one small thingy at the very last part. By right, after all the things (mentioned in the previous post) have been done, the groom (without the 2 Saksi) is required to apply for Kebenaran Bernikah and this need to be approved by Pegawai Nikah/Rujuk/Cerai from JAIS (in my case, because I'm staying in Selangor). After getting that 'green light' form, only the Penolong Pendaftar Nikah (PPN) is allowed to support bride's application. Lucky me, I've known the PPN since we were kids, so since my Wali, and 2 Saksi were already there, he just proceed for my application and I promised to get it to JAIS soonest possible. FYI, marriage registration can only be done from Monday-Thursday, up to 4pm at your nearest Jabatan Agama. So without wasting anytime, I rushed to JAIS in Shah Alam, guided by my BIL. Thank you, Dilai.

I reached about 10 to 2. So I waited with many others, to get our visitor pass. Go straight to the 2nd tower, on your right from the car park, OK? I went to 6th floor, submit his forms, and get the approval from Ustazah Zanrinor. Paid RM10. Went to 1st floor for my turn for approval, only to realize that my wallet was only filled with coins. So I rushed to the 2nd tower, to withdraw cash. (Don't worry if you forgot to bring cash, like me. There's a Bank Islam ATM machine at Ground floor). That's not all. Guess what, after photostating the documents in the morning, I left the original copy of Sijil Kursus Perkahwinan & HIV test at home. Yeay. But Alhamdulillah, the sister said I need to attach the original documents later, during the actual Nikah day. Phew. Ustaz Lyros gave the approval for Kebenaran Berkahwin after gone through the forms and documents from the groom's side. Paid RM10. He then, gave another sheet of form for me to fill in, and this is required for Nikah on the actual day. This form is to be submitted to the PPN, recommended before Nikah, in case there are still some missing information. And then, finally, Ustaz Lyros said "Dah boleh nikah dah", with a smile.

The weather is extremely hot, today. Alhamdulillah, the process went on smoothly. The End.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


On Wednesday, we met up with Tinkris and Niwa at SACC to discuss about the unfinished business. So far, everything is OK and I gained back my trust with them after being convinced by Tinkris. Apparently, Niwa and I have nothing much to say and I am relieved with that. Only that, I'm a bit frustrated with the payment term, as it was my mistake too for not considering the terms carefully before signing it. I am not pleased when we have to pay the full amount before the event, because what if we are not satisfied with the service? We can never get a refund. But Tinkris has promised to give their best and I have no choice but to give her my trust.

LadyBoss and I have been quite busy sorting out the names and invitations to be sent. Please expect some late delivery, everyone. I am now learning to let go some of the things, and not thinking too much whether the cut is straight, the glue sticks or the paper is not folded on the corner left. *sigh*

Finalizing the guests list is somehow very challenging. Since my invitation card is hard-covered and thick, we try to minimize postage. Whoever live near our area, we'll dash to their place with a bundle. The first bundle has been sent to JB, people! By hand! Woot wooot~

I'm proud to say that my Nikah invitations were done by sincerely yours (",). It may not be superb and perfect, but I'm quite satisfied with it. I hate doing the map, but think that I've improved since I first drew it few years back. Heh.

At first, I thought of sending the design to my favourite printer, but due to time constraint and all, I decided to print them myself. It's pretty easy. With some basic knowledge of the softwares, I created the map using MS Visio, and the wordings, printed on the other side was done in Adobe Illustrator. 1 piece of A4 paper produced 6 cards. I bought 3 colours of A4 hard-type card, and printed on my LBP2900. One of them stuck halfway, so I had to monitor piece by piece when printing. And the result? ...
I only printed on 1 piece of blue paper, since I think these 2 colours (pink & purple) are more than enough at the moment. If they are not, I'll just print a few more on the blue ones. Of course, I did not cut out one by one using that blue scissors. Thanks to my 12"x 10" paper cutter, the cutting job was 'sap sap soi'!

In the middle of the hectics, my girlfriends did a little something to surprise me. Thank you ladies for reminding me that I should panic right now for not having anything complete! Nice nice nice! Ok, I should go now. Need to prepare for the despatch tomorrow. Oh, and we just got ourselves our very own 'Champagne'! Don't get me wrong, it's not the drink. Thank you, Yokoi~

Teh serai @ Lemon Grass Tea

Can't wait to go popo-artsy! Weeee~

The best cheesemuffs in town personally baked by Dahaisu & her ma'am. Love love love!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Surat permohonan kahwin (belah lelaki)


Post ini hanya sesuai untuk lelaki yang hendak berkahwin dan menetap di Selangor tapi IC di tempat lain (KL, Kedah, Penang dan sebagainya). Macam aku. IC aku KL (tak tukar-tukar sejak awal 2000!!) tapi duduk kat Selangor. So, bila kes macam ni, aku kena sediakan 2 borang yang berlainan.

1) Borang pengesahan permastautinan. 
2) Borang permohonan kebenaran berkahwin (Lelaki)

Borang-borang boleh didapati di: JAIS 

Ok, bagi menyelesaikan borang no 1, korang kena:

i) Isi borang tu dengan lengkap.
ii) Cari 1 orang saksi yang boleh mengesahkan yang korang duduk kat Selangor. Siapa-siapa pun boleh. Macam dalam kes aku, aku letak nama ayah aku sebab aku duduk dengan dia. Senang.
iii) Salinan IC pemohon dan saksi. 
iv) Kalau takde sangat member yang nak tolong jadi saksi, buat salinan bil elektrik, Astro, atau sebagainya yang ada nama korang dalam alamat tempat korang duduk. 
v) Mintak tandatangan dan COP RASMI dari Ketua Kampung atau Ketua Persatuan Penduduk atau Nazir masjid (bukan surau) tempat korang duduk. Setiap kawasan ada masjid tersendiri.

Macam aku, aku mintak Nazir masjid kawasan aku tandatangan sebab Ketua Persatuan Penduduk Taman aku takde Cop Rasmi. 

Ok, selesai 1 bahagian. Bahagian kedua pulak, korang kena:

i) Isi borang tu dengan lengkap. Pastikan korang dah tau kat mana nak nikah sebab alamat tempat nikah tu nanti akan ditulis di dalam borang permohonan tu nanti. Dan pastikan korang tau nama penuh, IC dan alamat pasangan sebab akan ditulis di dalam borang tersebut.
ii) Cari 2 orang saksi. 2 orang saksi ni tak kisah siapa2. Perhatian: 2 orang saksi ni bukan dan tak semestinya saksi pada hari pernikahan nanti. Saksi yang ini hanya untuk mengesahkan bahawa korang belum berkahwin atau pun belum mempunyai isteri sekarang. Saksi-saksi ini juga mesti hadir dan tandatangan di hadapan Penolong Pendaftar Nikah nanti. Salinan IC kedua-dua saksi ni juga wajib ada. 
iii) Dokumen-dokumen wajib iaitu Sijil Kursus Kahwin dan Resit Pengesahan Ujian HIV mesti ada disertakan sekali bila jumpa Penolong Pendaftar Nikah.
iv) Penolong Pendaftar Nikah. Tak tau sape? Rajin-rajin pergi masjid dan bertanya pada jemaah di situ. P.P.N ni akan teliti satu persatu maklumat dalam borang dan akan mintak saksi-saksi tandatangan termasuk kita depan dia dan akhir sekali dia akan tandatangan dan KEMBALIKAN segala surat serta dokumen kepada kita.

Next step? Serahkan kedua-dua borang (Pengesahan Permastautinan & Permohonan Kebenaran Kahwin) serta segala dokumen kepada pihak perempuan. Biar dia setel pulak. 

Tak paham jugak? Sila layari laman web JAIS, di situ boleh download dan print borang-borang di atas. Tak payah pergi pejabat JAIS semata-mata nak ambil borang. Buang masa dan duit. 

Ahlan Wasahlan. 

Selamat berjaya!