Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Seminggu bagaikan setahun ...

Rasanya, mulai dari sekarang, nak start blogging in BM lah. Rasa pelik pun ada sebab selama ni, dalam banyak2 blog yang pernah ada (dan yang masih ada), semuanya tulis dalam English. Bukan sebab perasan terer, tapi sebab target readers konon2 international, and nak prektis la kitenye writing skill kan. Tapi rasanya cukuplah blog2 lain tulis in English, blog yang ni khusus untuk pembaca2 tempatan. :)

So sambung dari post sebelum ni, dalam tempoh seminggu gynae bagi untuk tengok tumbesaran baby, Duphaston yang gynae bagi tu saya tak habiskan pun. Sebab masa tengah buat research kat internet, dapat tau yang Duphaston telah diharamkan di beberapa buah negara termasuk US & UK. Untuk mendapatkan kepastian, saya tanya kakak, seorang mikrobiologist, and dia dengan selamba menjawab, "hak ah, memang pon.."Ciss. Sampai hati tak bagitau. Tapi nasib la kan, sebab saya pun baru bagitau die pasal Duphaston tu. So dipendekkan cerita, saya terus berenti makan Duphaston, dan sambung makan Lingzhi, Pollen, Protein & VitaKing. Sepanjang tempoh seminggu ni memang saya lah manusia paling pemalas di Asia Tenggara. Makan minum, semua disediakan oleh suami yang tercinta, betul2 kat tepi katil. Laptop kadang2 atas meja tepi katil, kadang2 terus letak atas katil, senang nak baring sambil main game. Hehe. Cuma bangun dari katil nak pergi toilet & solat je. Solat pun suami suruh duduk, sebab bila bangun lama ataupun duduk atas kerusi biasa pun, saya rasa macam tak sedap, macam boleh rasa darah tu nak turun. Memang best la hidup time tu. Takyah pikir ape. Tapi tak semua orang sanggup nak buat camtu kot. Sebab apa? Memang best baring je tak buat ape2. Tapi selalunya manusia ni susah nak mengaku yang dirinya 'sakit'. Lebih2 lagi kalau sebenarnya kita tak rasa 'sakit' tu...

Yerp, sepanjang saya memalaskan diri atas katil tu, memang takde rase sakit perut dan sebagainya. Alhamdulillah. Tapi memang dah bersedia untuk mengalami apa2 rasa sakit, sebab dah baca kat internet, IF kandungan tak selamat, memang akan rasa sakit yang amat masa nak keluarkan baby tu. So memang dh prepare for the worst, alas tempat tidur dengan plastik. Tapi kita expect for the best, sebab Allah Maha Mengetahui. Saya doa banyak2 agar Allah berikan yang terbaik untuk kami.

Selesai seminggu, nak pergi checkup kat KPJ Shah Alam, follow up ngan Dr Siti Esah. Kali ni, hubby ada hal penting kena attend, so pergi ngan bonda tersayang. Kitorang maintain cool depan each other, tapi Allah saje la yang tau betapa berdebarnya time tu. Dalam nak tunggu seminggu sebelum hari tu, Ya Allah... lamanya rasa. Tak tau apa keputusan. Tak tau apa yang Allah dah tentukan.

Cek blood pressure, OK. Pastu gi scan la kan. Mummy ku berdiri kat hujung katil sambil tengok skrin. Saya yang paling berdebar la time tu. Walaupun dah bersedia untuk apa jugak keputusannya (insya Allah), tapi kalau korang sendiri yang ada kat tempat tu, korang tau la ape nak rasa. Bukan nak doakan korang semua mengalami benda yang sama tapi kalau ade orang kate "I know how you feel..." tipu lah tu, melainkan dia memang betul2 pernah rasa. OK, takyah citer panjang lebar. Alhamdulillah dah ada heartbeat. Sepatutnye ikut kiraan, kandungan dah 8 minggu, tapi ikut scan, baru nak masuk 7 minggu. Alhamdulillah, syukur syukur syukur. Terus SMS hubby dan rasanya dia pun amat2 lega dah. Tapi yang bestnya part Mummy tanye gynae "Apesal bentuk die camtu?" Hehe. Gynae tu pun kate "Ni kecik lagi, memang belum ada bentuk". Yerlah, nama pon 6 minggu. Kalo 6 bulan tu sedap sikit mata memandang kan? :D

Lepas tu Dr Siti kata, "OK, sambung makan Duphaston untuk sebulan, yer?" Terus dengan rasa rendah diri dan penuh sopan, saya cakap,

"Err.. doctor, saya tak nak makan la lagi Duphaston tu boleh tak?"
"Kenapa? Ubat ni untuk kuatkan rahim"
"Erm... sebab saya dapat tau yang ubat tu dah discontinued kt US & UK, so .. errr... boleh tak saya tanak makan apa2 ubat?"
"Hmm.. saya bagi awak risalah pasal ubat ni yer. Memang selamat, tak affect baby. Mungkin lepas bace ni you akan pikir balek"
"So camne ni? Taknak makan? Kalau tak nak makan, saya tak bagi la yer. Kalau tak membazir pulak"
"Hak ah, tak payah la. Terima kasih"

Phew. Selamat. Nasib baik Dr Siti ni tak garang. Tapi kakak saya kata Dr Siti hanya akan garang time nak bersalin tu nanti. Hehe. Takotnya! Iyerlah, dia dah 2 kali pengalaman ngan Dr Siti. Tapi takpe, memang patut pun garang time sakit2 tu, kalau tak makin mengada pulak kita nanti.

And the next checkup is gonna be in another month! Taa¬

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's a positive! (?)

Been wanting to update this blog long time ago but haven't got the right words to put in here. So before it's too late, I better jot down a few on what's happening in the normal married-life. :)

Alhamdulillah, we are now expecting our 1st baby. At first, we thought of family-planning to make sure we are totally ready before having a child. But after being married, talking with few experienced friends, and being Muslims ourselves, we realized that it is not our call to decide when we want it to happen. Especially when I have a close relative who is not (yet) able to have a baby, even after (almost) 5 years of marriage.

So in the 3rd month of our marriage, we found out that I am pregnant. It was a mixed feeling. Scared? Excited! Thrilled~ I first tested with a RM5 pregnancy tester bought from Watson. I was so excited that I tested on the day I was supposed to get my period. LOL. At first, only single line appeared. I thought that was it. Negative. So I just left the tester in the bathroom and after few hours, I saw the 2nd line on the indicator. Wow! Really? After doing some google-ing, I found out that if the 2nd line appeared a few hours later, it could be a false positive. Also, it is better to test the first thing in the morning when our urine is concentrated and not watered down. So a week after, guess what? I was so confident because my period is still no where to be seen. ;P So I did another test. This time, my darling bought a kit with 2 strips in it. And as expected, both strips showed positive result instantly. And much clearly than last week's. The feeling at that time? I hope I'll deliver the next day! Can't wait!

So at first, everything went great. As a first-timer, I continued my daily routine like feeding the cats, throwing off their litter, cleaning, driving, etc. Not too aggressive, though. Just, as always. We thought of visiting a clinic near our house; Klinik Wanita Metro on Monday for our first prenatal checkup. But on Saturday, I noticed some staining / blood spotting and was not sure of what to do. Since the clinic was closed on weekends, we waited till Monday. In the meantime, I was advised to have a complete bedrest and not to walkabout unless going to the loo. So on Monday morning, we went to Klinik Wanita Metro, only to found out that the clinic was still new. So new that they haven't even started operation! Sigh. We saw The Women's Specialist OBGYN Centre in the same row, and have it a go. We reach there as early as before 9am, but we got to go in around 10am. We managed to go home first, do some survey on other nearest gynaes in the area but decided to proceed with it due to time constraint. The gynae was an Indian guy. The consultation room was spacious. The assistant only checked my height and weight before entering the consultation room. After explaining to the gynae about my situation, we did a scan. First, he confirmed my pregnancy and said that it is still okay. Alhamdulillah. According to the scan, my beanie was 1 week later than calculated. But he said it's still okay and since it's only the 5th week of my pregnancy, no heartbeat was yet to be detected and he asked me to come for another scan in another 2 weeks time. He also said that I didn't have to have a complete bedrest as it's an 'old-fashioned' way. Extra rest, maybe necessary but normal activities can still be done. He added, if it's just slight spotting, there's nothing to be worried about but if it's bleeding like regular period, then most probably it's a miscarriage. Of course, I was still reluctant to take his advise and would love to continue to rest until everything is fine but hubby insisted me to follow the gynae's advice so I just continued bedrest for the day, and have my normal activity the next.

The next day, I drove about 40mins (one way) in the morning, went to the library, picked up a few books and when I realized that the books were kinda heavy, I quickly sat down. That was when I felt a slight strain on my lower abdomen, the place where the gynae did a scan on me the day before, to be exact. I was blank. I walked slowly, carrying 2 textbooks, go back to my room and drove home. As I reached home, suddenly I felt a little discharge. When I checked, it was blood, more than the spotting I had few days back. I knew that I've lost it, as I remember the gynae told me if it's like a regular period, it's gone. Trying to be calm, I called up mom and few other support system. Waited for hubby to come home from work and burst into tears. I was lying in bed. Still hoping for miracles to happen, even though I did not put such high hope to avoid further frustration. My sister told me to stay positive and see a specialist ASAP to check what's the real situation. So the next day (or two days after?), I went to KPJ Shah Alam (formerly known as Selangor Medical Centre, SMC) and met Dr Siti Esah. The wait was not that long, only 2 patients before me. After checking my blood pressure and all, she did a scan and said that the beanie was still in there but it's too soon to tell. Supposedly, my beanie should be about 7 weeks, with a weak heartbeat can be seen but according to the scan, it was 6 weeks so no heartbeat can be detected. She asked me to have a good rest, gave me a Duphaston to strengthen the uterus, and set another appoint in 1 week's time to see the growth of my beanie (if there's any). According to her, if the beanie is healthy, Duphaston will help to strengthen the uterus but if it's not, it will help to discharge my li'l beanie from my body. I was contemplating to take the drug as I did not want the latter to happen, but I took it for a few days. While consuming my Shuang Hor products with discipline.

Phew, it's tiring to tell all at once! Need some memory flashback since it was about a while ago. I'll share the follow up in the next entry.

Monday, October 18, 2010

We are married!


It has been about a month now since we've been married. It feels great to finally get it over and done with. Not that getting married is a tedious thing to do, but maybe the thought of having the ceremony perfect and all made it more adventurous than what it sounds like. But you know what, all the drama, rush and tears were all worth it. After all, we need to look forward for 50 years or more to make this work, not only that one night occasion. And I'm happy I'll be going through the many more years to come with the guy I've fallen in love with every single day, insya Allah.

A week before the actual day was critical. There's no room for mistakes, every second counts. Yeah, that's what I was hoping for - no mistakes. If you're an alien maybe it'll be true. But since I'm a plain human being, I have plenty of rooms to be filled in - with flaws and hiccups. Let's just focus on the positive things, ok? I wouldn't want to give bad ideas that'll make other bride-to-bes to change their mind. It'll be wonderful, trust me. :)

While busy settling the preparation for the ceremony, don't forget to get yourself prepared, personally. I mean, your beauty and health. Make sure to have a good rest a week before the event, at least. I know it sounds impossible, but just try your very best. Eat well. Plenty of water is essential. Imagine you not having enough sleep, skipped lunch and dinner 2 days in a row, panic, and worse... DEHYDRATED! Gosh. You wouldn't want the guests to mistaken you for your maid! I have friends who went for manicure, pedicure, a trip to the salon, and other self-grooming necessities which would be a little extra for that lucky guy. As for me, I did a little something that might still be a taboo for Malaysian - waxing.

Of course, since it was my first time, I was hesitated at first. Or second, might be third. It's a hell scary thing to even think about getting it done. I'm talking about Brazilian, here. I did a lot of research on my own, surfing the internet, watching videos on YouTube and plenty of thinking. To cut things short, I did it and glad with the outcome. It's difficult to explain in detail, but a simple advice I got from some anonymous on the net; Don't think too much. They've been doing it to many other people everyday and the last thing they would think about is how embarrassing the whole procedure is. Just let them do their work and you'll achieve the expected result. Be professional because THEY ARE. And don't worry, inform them that you are a first-timer and they WILL assist and tell you what to do.

I did it at Strip Ministry of Waxing in The Curve. I first called them up a day before to secure an appointment and ask them few (stupid) questions on what to prepare for a first-timer. Well, it's better to ask foolish questions than becoming a fool on the day itself, right? But fret-not, they won't be laughing at you, instead they'll guide you and explain in detail on what are the dos and don'ts. I also had my legs waxed and did a little 'cleaning' on the eyebrows (as suggested by my makeup-artist). I don't fancy the idea of having a one pencil-line on top of my eyes, so she advised me to inform the lady not to thin/shape, just reduce the messy-ness of my brows. Heh. Again, this was also the first time for my virgin-eyebrows, and I would say that I'm glad she got me did it. :) I don't know about other places but for me, Strip:MOW is highly recommended in terms of hygiene and professionalism and I'd probably pay another visit soon! Of course, I've heard stories about how they like to persuade customers buying their post-wax care products. But the truth is, that's the truth! LOL. Make sure you've set your mind not to agree to any 'other' things they offer while waxing, because your mind might be thinking elsewhere while someone is stripping off a warm harden wax from your body. Also, I was offered for a RM500 advanced deposit that could be converted into points and claim-to give me better benefits for my next visits but we politely declined since the total bill for that day was only less than RM200. But hey, on the bright side, if you agree to pay the RM500 deposit, you're entitled to get discounts (I think 20% off) in the month of your birthday! Weeehee.

As for my henna, it was a very last minute thingy. I almost didn't want to get it done due to the time constraint, but lucky for me to have such wonderful friends who helped me went through all the panic attacks. They waited patiently next to me the night before my solemnization. I actually got the henna leaves accidentally while having my lunch about a week before in SS19. The soon I saw the henna tree, I quickly asked the saleslady if it's OK for me to get some henna leaves and luckily she was kind enough to let me slashed some branches. I got my aunt to mush-mush them into a paste and am satisfied with the result, eventhough I would be happier if I could put the paste on another time. But still, I'm happy with the result! :)

Ok, that'll be all for now. I'll be updating more about my custom-made shawls and my overall feedbacks on the vendors - trust me, you WANT to know my feedbacks on them!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Lucky Number Slevin!

Yes! After the long hiatus, guess what? The next Friday is the big day! About 7 days to go, insya Allah. You may be wondering why haven't there any updates all this while. Well, mostly it's due to my long frustrations towards the many parties involved in our wedding preparation. Don't get me wrong. Not from family / friends. But they are from the vendors themselves!
  1. D'Renjis : You know how I was frustrated with nonsense-delay from D'Renjis, but I HAD to proceed with them since I've paid RM600 upfront! Maybe to some of you, it's not a big deal, but for me, it's a huge amount! So after some du'a and not-too-high hope, I just go for the outfit they've prepared for me. It turned out oh-kay. Seriously, I'm not too head-over-feet for it. But I think I can live in it for one night. Only some minor adjustments I'm praying that Teteh could make it, 2 days before the big day. You think it's possible? Let's pray together. *pray pray*
  2. SACC : After I started dealing with Tinkris, I'm quite satisfied with her tolerance. Only that, I'm still upset that of all the items they've included in the quotation, they just HAVE to leave out one, which is the backdrop of the main table. So I got the dais, decorated main table, arch at the entrance, etc... BUT the backdrop? Adoi! But ... Alhamdulillah, I met my long time schoolmate, Karl, who apparently just started his own Bridal business. So he saved my backdrop! insya Allah. Thanks, Karl from Briday Sanctuary!
  3. RinsSuzana : We opt for them for Bertandang outfit. He wants to have a brand new suit. I go for the ready-made dress. 1st visit, we confirmed the outfit, his body measurement taken, paid deposit. Few weeks after, they called him to come another time to take his body measurement AGAIN because they lost the 1st one. OK. After few weeks, they called asking for measurement AGAIN! He started to piss already. But soon after, they called him up telling that they've found the previous one. OK. So we went for his fitting. At first, the suit colour was totally off. It was yellow instead of off-white. The intern-lady gave us craps but after insisting that it was not the right suit, they finally realized that it actually was not. The laundry store accidentally switched the suit with some other's. OK. So, the right suit came after about 30 minutes later. The shoulder was way too broad. Pants was loose. Chest was huge. Totally a suit that was NOT tailored according to his 2-times-measurement! We requested for the suit to be altered anyhow and they agreed to it. Until last week, when a guy called him introducing as an outsourced-designer for RinS, he actually wants to make amend by creating another brand-new suit for him. So we went to RinS AGAIN, on the 7th of Syawal, to take another measurement by the designer, and let's just hope everything turns out good less than 7 days later.
We've been very patient through out this head-aching experience, I must say. But at this very moment, I'm looking forward to just get everything over and done with cause I can't wait to enjoy my beautiful new life with the cutest almost-bald guy alive! Huhu. Hope to update another entry or two just before next Friday. But if it did not happen, see you after!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Permohonan untuk kebenaran berkahwin

Salam and good day. As you've seen in previous posts, DrummerBoi has elaborated very well on how are the procedures to apply for marriage registration (for men). Today, I wanted to proceed for my part, but encounter few problems.

First, thanks to the groom's side, the forms are well done BUT they left out one small thingy at the very last part. By right, after all the things (mentioned in the previous post) have been done, the groom (without the 2 Saksi) is required to apply for Kebenaran Bernikah and this need to be approved by Pegawai Nikah/Rujuk/Cerai from JAIS (in my case, because I'm staying in Selangor). After getting that 'green light' form, only the Penolong Pendaftar Nikah (PPN) is allowed to support bride's application. Lucky me, I've known the PPN since we were kids, so since my Wali, and 2 Saksi were already there, he just proceed for my application and I promised to get it to JAIS soonest possible. FYI, marriage registration can only be done from Monday-Thursday, up to 4pm at your nearest Jabatan Agama. So without wasting anytime, I rushed to JAIS in Shah Alam, guided by my BIL. Thank you, Dilai.

I reached about 10 to 2. So I waited with many others, to get our visitor pass. Go straight to the 2nd tower, on your right from the car park, OK? I went to 6th floor, submit his forms, and get the approval from Ustazah Zanrinor. Paid RM10. Went to 1st floor for my turn for approval, only to realize that my wallet was only filled with coins. So I rushed to the 2nd tower, to withdraw cash. (Don't worry if you forgot to bring cash, like me. There's a Bank Islam ATM machine at Ground floor). That's not all. Guess what, after photostating the documents in the morning, I left the original copy of Sijil Kursus Perkahwinan & HIV test at home. Yeay. But Alhamdulillah, the sister said I need to attach the original documents later, during the actual Nikah day. Phew. Ustaz Lyros gave the approval for Kebenaran Berkahwin after gone through the forms and documents from the groom's side. Paid RM10. He then, gave another sheet of form for me to fill in, and this is required for Nikah on the actual day. This form is to be submitted to the PPN, recommended before Nikah, in case there are still some missing information. And then, finally, Ustaz Lyros said "Dah boleh nikah dah", with a smile.

The weather is extremely hot, today. Alhamdulillah, the process went on smoothly. The End.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


On Wednesday, we met up with Tinkris and Niwa at SACC to discuss about the unfinished business. So far, everything is OK and I gained back my trust with them after being convinced by Tinkris. Apparently, Niwa and I have nothing much to say and I am relieved with that. Only that, I'm a bit frustrated with the payment term, as it was my mistake too for not considering the terms carefully before signing it. I am not pleased when we have to pay the full amount before the event, because what if we are not satisfied with the service? We can never get a refund. But Tinkris has promised to give their best and I have no choice but to give her my trust.

LadyBoss and I have been quite busy sorting out the names and invitations to be sent. Please expect some late delivery, everyone. I am now learning to let go some of the things, and not thinking too much whether the cut is straight, the glue sticks or the paper is not folded on the corner left. *sigh*

Finalizing the guests list is somehow very challenging. Since my invitation card is hard-covered and thick, we try to minimize postage. Whoever live near our area, we'll dash to their place with a bundle. The first bundle has been sent to JB, people! By hand! Woot wooot~

I'm proud to say that my Nikah invitations were done by sincerely yours (",). It may not be superb and perfect, but I'm quite satisfied with it. I hate doing the map, but think that I've improved since I first drew it few years back. Heh.

At first, I thought of sending the design to my favourite printer, but due to time constraint and all, I decided to print them myself. It's pretty easy. With some basic knowledge of the softwares, I created the map using MS Visio, and the wordings, printed on the other side was done in Adobe Illustrator. 1 piece of A4 paper produced 6 cards. I bought 3 colours of A4 hard-type card, and printed on my LBP2900. One of them stuck halfway, so I had to monitor piece by piece when printing. And the result? ...
I only printed on 1 piece of blue paper, since I think these 2 colours (pink & purple) are more than enough at the moment. If they are not, I'll just print a few more on the blue ones. Of course, I did not cut out one by one using that blue scissors. Thanks to my 12"x 10" paper cutter, the cutting job was 'sap sap soi'!

In the middle of the hectics, my girlfriends did a little something to surprise me. Thank you ladies for reminding me that I should panic right now for not having anything complete! Nice nice nice! Ok, I should go now. Need to prepare for the despatch tomorrow. Oh, and we just got ourselves our very own 'Champagne'! Don't get me wrong, it's not the drink. Thank you, Yokoi~

Teh serai @ Lemon Grass Tea

Can't wait to go popo-artsy! Weeee~

The best cheesemuffs in town personally baked by Dahaisu & her ma'am. Love love love!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Surat permohonan kahwin (belah lelaki)


Post ini hanya sesuai untuk lelaki yang hendak berkahwin dan menetap di Selangor tapi IC di tempat lain (KL, Kedah, Penang dan sebagainya). Macam aku. IC aku KL (tak tukar-tukar sejak awal 2000!!) tapi duduk kat Selangor. So, bila kes macam ni, aku kena sediakan 2 borang yang berlainan.

1) Borang pengesahan permastautinan. 
2) Borang permohonan kebenaran berkahwin (Lelaki)

Borang-borang boleh didapati di: JAIS 

Ok, bagi menyelesaikan borang no 1, korang kena:

i) Isi borang tu dengan lengkap.
ii) Cari 1 orang saksi yang boleh mengesahkan yang korang duduk kat Selangor. Siapa-siapa pun boleh. Macam dalam kes aku, aku letak nama ayah aku sebab aku duduk dengan dia. Senang.
iii) Salinan IC pemohon dan saksi. 
iv) Kalau takde sangat member yang nak tolong jadi saksi, buat salinan bil elektrik, Astro, atau sebagainya yang ada nama korang dalam alamat tempat korang duduk. 
v) Mintak tandatangan dan COP RASMI dari Ketua Kampung atau Ketua Persatuan Penduduk atau Nazir masjid (bukan surau) tempat korang duduk. Setiap kawasan ada masjid tersendiri.

Macam aku, aku mintak Nazir masjid kawasan aku tandatangan sebab Ketua Persatuan Penduduk Taman aku takde Cop Rasmi. 

Ok, selesai 1 bahagian. Bahagian kedua pulak, korang kena:

i) Isi borang tu dengan lengkap. Pastikan korang dah tau kat mana nak nikah sebab alamat tempat nikah tu nanti akan ditulis di dalam borang permohonan tu nanti. Dan pastikan korang tau nama penuh, IC dan alamat pasangan sebab akan ditulis di dalam borang tersebut.
ii) Cari 2 orang saksi. 2 orang saksi ni tak kisah siapa2. Perhatian: 2 orang saksi ni bukan dan tak semestinya saksi pada hari pernikahan nanti. Saksi yang ini hanya untuk mengesahkan bahawa korang belum berkahwin atau pun belum mempunyai isteri sekarang. Saksi-saksi ini juga mesti hadir dan tandatangan di hadapan Penolong Pendaftar Nikah nanti. Salinan IC kedua-dua saksi ni juga wajib ada. 
iii) Dokumen-dokumen wajib iaitu Sijil Kursus Kahwin dan Resit Pengesahan Ujian HIV mesti ada disertakan sekali bila jumpa Penolong Pendaftar Nikah.
iv) Penolong Pendaftar Nikah. Tak tau sape? Rajin-rajin pergi masjid dan bertanya pada jemaah di situ. P.P.N ni akan teliti satu persatu maklumat dalam borang dan akan mintak saksi-saksi tandatangan termasuk kita depan dia dan akhir sekali dia akan tandatangan dan KEMBALIKAN segala surat serta dokumen kepada kita.

Next step? Serahkan kedua-dua borang (Pengesahan Permastautinan & Permohonan Kebenaran Kahwin) serta segala dokumen kepada pihak perempuan. Biar dia setel pulak. 

Tak paham jugak? Sila layari laman web JAIS, di situ boleh download dan print borang-borang di atas. Tak payah pergi pejabat JAIS semata-mata nak ambil borang. Buang masa dan duit. 

Ahlan Wasahlan. 

Selamat berjaya!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Still in pieces

This is the current progress. A lot of things need to be cut, wrapped, written, stamped, and many others need to be ... done!

Ribbons cut into 25cm length, with trimmed edges.

One of my mega projects. Only 1/6 is complete. Wish me luck!

Credits to Yadina & Hubs for bringing these back safe!

These are the favours for my reception. For the akad ceremony, it will be much easier cause there won't be DIY stuffs. Only put everything in the small pouch. :) Will do that once my 700pcs is done!

Ok, back to work!


Thursday, July 29, 2010


Today, some people really managed to push my RED button.

It started since yesterday, when Niwa told me her e-mail to me was bounced back and ask if my e-mail address written on my namecard was correct. After giving her a lesson to send out successful e-mails, we managed to communicate smoothly. Being a person who likes to express my anger in the most kindest words, I think I did well, as always. Especially to a young lass who just cannot admit her mistakes, I just go with the flow, hoping that she'll learn in the process.

And after a few attempts of calling Su from D'Renjis (because she promised to return my call which she didn't even after 3 days), she told me the happiest news I could ever imagine. Just to let you know that I last visited the boutique in May, and the tailor said I could come for fitting in June. But I decided to call them up 3 days ago, why? Because I'm a super-bionic-wonderfully patient customer. So I can tolerate with some overdued deadlines. As long as those people know what they are doing. And Su just spilled out to me that, guess what, "baju tu tak jahit lagi lah".


"HUH? tak jahit lagi?"
"Hak ah. Semalam K.Ani kata tak jahit lagi"
"Habis tu bila saya boleh fitting?"
"Erm, lepas Raya boleh tak?"
*paused for 3 sec*
"Lepas Raya, bila?"
"Erm... 15 hari lepas Raya?" //*my solemnnization is on 14 Syawal 1431H*//
"15 hari lepas Raya??? kak, saya punya wedding 2 minggu lepas Raya, kak. Akak nak saya fitting lepas kawen ke?"
"Err, tak. Erm, 15 hari sebelum raya, eh 15 hari puasa boleh tak?"
"Berapa haribulan tu?"
"Erm, dalam 25?"
"25 August?"
"Hak ah."

I am a simple person, you know. You just give me a reasonable timeline, and perform. And I'll be the happiest person alive. But if you give me craps, you'll definitely get shit from me.

Monday, July 26, 2010


About 2 months to go.

But why do I not feel it coming?

I tell you why.
  1. Niwa from SACC Convec has not get back to me since our previous meet up. - Can you imagine? She was supposed to update me of the seating layout/PA system/finalized menu/etc. Ok, she did call me up few days after our last meet up to confirm that we could not pay the parking fee in advanced for the guests as it is beyond her authority. And that was it.
  2. Neither Su nor Kak Ani called me up to update about my outfit. And I have yet to confirm my dais decor. - I'm definitely giving them a call tomorrow and hope that they did not miss my dress sketch under that pile of papers I saw in April.
  3. I am still undecided on what to wear on the 1st day. - Alter or brand-new, I'm just not sure.
  4. I am still undecided on which hijab to wear on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd day. - Ok, I haven't even bought the material yet. Sue me. Now!
  5. Favours - not fully wrapped, yet!
Maybe all of these can go on smoothly once I got my ADS working! Or at least the lab technician do some mercy on me.

You don't have to understand that last statement. I was just mumbling. So much for the updates.

*uhuk uhuk*

Friday, July 23, 2010

Clock-ticking. And then it halts.

Just when you thought everything went on great, think again. I think most of the young couples getting married are so eager to get married, having fun for the preparations and buying stuffs, but ignored the fact that they are (or will be) mentally-challenged in all sorts of way. I kid you not. Getting married is indeed a new big step in your life. Yes, it's NEW and BIG. You can never imagine what your life would become after that 'SAH' is ... ~sah! I now think I understand why there were tears in brides and brides mothers' eyes soon as the procedure is done. For the brides : No more compromising for us. Your husband will be the final NO or YES in all decisions. For their mothers : It's because they have been through all those. So, that's why. Of course, there are a lot of disagreement and discussion being done before entering that different life, but your partner would usually comfort you with "Don't worry, babe. I'll be by your side and we'll go through this together". Pray harder. Maybe your partner will actually do as he/she says.

Why am I blasting all these? Because obviously I am experiencing the peak of madness+insanity in my life as a B2B. I cannot understand how a man could be more mature than us but acts as a 5-year-old kid when it's coming to arguing over an ice-cream. Some people have told me that the person's name resembles their character. For example, Aishah means Lively, and Jamilah means Beautiful. Well, I believe so. Because apparently what we speak out everyday is a du'a. So if we were to call Jamilah (beautiful) by her name (not shortforms like Jam, Milah, Jamey), I truly believe that she will turn out to be a 'beautiful' lady throughout her life, be it physically or by her characteristic. Very unfortunate for me, neither of our names (my partner & I) spell 'PATIENCE'. For those of you who are named 'Sabri' / 'Sabariah'. Alhamdulillah. Good for you and the other half.

Of course everyone's life is kinda hectic at the moment. You wish to have someone by your side to really share it with and laugh about all the stupid moves you've been doing for the past few weeks. But sometimes we have to realize, we are living in the real world. Not everyone is thinking the same as you do. No one could actually understand how it feels like being in your shoe. Yeah, who can? When there are times even YOU, yourself cannot interpret what's been going on in your own life?


So yesterday was another progress of my preparation for my reception. But, I just do not feel like writing it down here. Simply because I do not know if it's even necessary to shout out publicly about it, when the person who I supposed-to share it with, doesn't even care or bother. Maybe I am going into that new life, alone. With an invisible man next to me. Don't get me wrong, he is there. Just that he's not really.

And you must be freaking happy right now because all your plans seem to work fine. Good for you!

p/s : this is labeled under 'Procedure'.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

We've been tested!

He just got back for a while from outstation last week. So we decided to make that HIV test before he's being sent off again. First choice was Poliklinik Kesihatan Seri Kembangan in Serdang. After calling them up, we found that they only perform HIV test on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2pm-4pm. But he wanted to have it on Tuesday. Second choice was Klinik Kesihatan in Bangi. They do HIV tests on Monday - Thursday (if I'm not mistaken, but not on alternate days la). 2pm-4pm also. So he took a day off on Tuesday and planned out our outing.

From 11am morning, we stopped by Proton showroom and picked our first ride together. :) Next, we went to AlRajhi to apply for some financial aid. Then, we dozed off to Klinik Kesihatan Bangi. We arrived there around 1.45pm. We need to wait till 2pm sharp to get the form and number. The first number of the day was 701, and both of us were 703 & 704. Weee. Yeah. For a while. We started to make noises when it was 2.15pm and #701 is still not being called yet. 2 nurses only entered room no.7 around 2.30pm. I was holding my medical checkup form (for my MEng intake) in one hand and the no. taken in another. None of my numbers (HIV test / medical checkup) were called. 2.45pm, he's fallen asleep while I'm on standby in case he falls to the other side. :P 3pm, #701 was called. Like, finally. And then after that the flow goes smoothly. We got in not long after that. When I was tested, I asked the nurse why my number was not being called for medical checkup? The doctor at the back said I should have attached my form with the number and put it in the red basket, where the HIV test form was put in outside the room. Erkhh. And how am I supposed to know that? After a few poor pleads, the nurse agreed to perform my checkup on the same day, only a bit later. Thank God my dear sweetheart did not freak out and waited patiently for everything to be over. And guess what, we left about 5.30pm. For him to wait patiently till the very last minute, was super impressive. Thanks, yoy! :)

After that, we had our lunch at about 6pm at Restoran Azura, a nearby restaurant, and it was superb! Great food with great price! Situated right behind Petronas station. I think it's somewhere in SS3, Bangi. This is a free promo. Go ahead and try if you're around the area.

Here's some tips before going for HIV test - specifically in Klinik Kesihatan Bangi (based on our experience) :
  1. Arrive early - the registration starts at 2pm, but by 1.45pm many people have been waiting and soon as the counter opens, you will have to queue up and get your number. Then, you have to wait for another hour before the 1st number is called. If you are rushing off somewhere, better come early. Not too early, though. As medical centre is not a safe place, afterall.
  2. When registering, you will be given a form each with your number attached. Please pay RM1 each person and proceed to room no.7 on your right (room no.7 on your left is for pregnancies)
  3. Fill in the form before you drop it in the red basket (on the counter in front of room no.7) and have a seat before your number is called. No need to take another number at the counter, since you've been given one already earlier.
  4. When your number is called, go into the room, sit on the chair and raise your left hand on the table. Don't panic, the nurse will take your left middle finger before she pokes you with a stapler-kinda-thingy where your blood will be dropped on the tester.
  5. If 1 line appears, congratulations, you're HIV-free! If not, I hope you seek for medical advice soon.
As for medical checkups,

  1. Call a day before and make appointment! (Even though the operator said you don't have to, insist on making one!)
  2. Proceed to room no.7 at 2pm, print out a number from the counter and place your medical checkup form together with your number in the red box (same as above).
  3. After your number is being called, the doctor will go through your form and notify if you are eligible for the checkup. A pink slip will be attached with your form.
  4. Proceed to registration counter to pay stamp duty fee. In my case, RM20 only. A receipt will be attached with your form.
  5. Bring the documents and proceed to X-ray room (next to room no.7), submit your form in the box on the table and wait for your name to be called.
  6. When your name is called, enter the X-ray room, where you will be asked to change to a white outfit, after you've taken off everything, waist-up.
  7. Wait a few minutes for the film to be ready. Your name will be called.
  8. Return to room no.7 for a quick eye test. I wasn't wearing spectacles, so the guy only did a quick colour blind test for me. I passed. :)
  9. Submit the form to kaunter saringan (opposite room no.7) and wait for your name to be called. Blood pressure checked. Height and weight measured.
  10. Next, go to counter of room no.10. Submit the form in the red box. Wait for name to be called. Produce your specimen and submit to the counter. (",)
  11. Return to registration counter and they will notify you which room to enter to see the doctor. Use the previous number when you were in room no.7.
  12. When your number is called, enter the room to meet doctor for final checkup.
  13. Done!
Phew~. FYI, medical checkup is not needed to get married. It's only for my university intake.

What a looooong day.

Oh, by the way. We are HIV-negative! Alhamdulillah...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The band

He reminded me to put up a post on my wedding ring. Thanks, yoU! Well, the reason why it's 'my' wedding ring, and not 'ours', simply because he doesn't wear rings and doesn't feel like having 1. So, respecting his decision, I'm luring the diamonds and gold all to myself. Ngeee.

So we were having our normal outing last month. While at our favourite shopping mall, there's a huge booth at the centre court so we thought we might check it out. Well, who knew, it was our (or was it my?) lucky day! The Habib Jewel Diamond Fest exhibition had 2 days left before it ends and like I've mentioned in the previous post, we were not looking for wedding rings anytime soon because we're gonna wait for the Raya Promotion. But hey, there's a beautiful ring in front of us, with marvellous discount, who can resist that? So my darling bought me that one piece jewellery which was on sale, 70% discount, and he also bought me a pair of pearl ear ring, to complete my pearl jewellery set. Weee~

The price of the ring? Erm, let me just tell you that the original price was very close to a 5 figure amount, and 70% off was totally worth it. Plus, his mother wanted so much for the ring to be standout and 'big'. Yes, she did mention the word 'besar'. So, not to disappoint her (chewah, padahal memang nak), we took that 1 out of the last 3 pieces left, and I went back with a huge smile, while he went back with sweaty forehead and a long sigh.

So to all of you out there who's getting married, do remember to wait for Habib's mega sale to buy rings/jewelleries before your big day. It's also a great idea to buy gold during this season, and when you're going to buy a real gift, simply trade in the gold you've bought during the sale. A dear friend did that and I think it's simply brilliant. Play around with the idea, yeah? Start budgeting now!


That's why I lev yuh. :*

Bali favours~

Oh, forgot to update about my received package from Bali, Indonesia. Weee.

Last week, a dear friend went for a holiday trip with her friends to Bali. I knew about the plan few months ago, while I was thinking how to ship my orders from Bali to here. And when she announced on her trip to Bali, it was like a light just *tingggg* in my head, so I asked for her kindness to help me bring back my orders from Bali. Soon when she said yes, I quickly made arrangement with the PIC in Bali and chose the items I wanted. And after months of waiting anxiously (in case, something bad happen, item not as shown in the picha,etc), I kept silent to myself until last Thursday, when my darling friend texted me early in the morning, "Dah selamat sampai. Bila nak datang ni?" Weeee. I quickly grabbed my carkeys and dashed to LCCT to pick up the items. The wait has not ended yet, because I was driving alone, and I could not open up the boxes till I reach home. Soon as I went in the house, I brought all the 4 boxes in and snatched open one by one. After checking all of them, only I smiled weeeeeee-ily (?) and showed to LadyBoss about my Bali-catch. Huuu.

You want to know what is it?

The 4 boxes (with 4 small boxes in each)

Box #1 : Big and small round soaps

Box #2 : Small square soaps

The rest of them : Many variants of fragrances

FYI, these are all the favours for my reception. As for the packaging? I'm still considering few ideas but think I'm gonna stick with a simple package which can be done myself, and no need to burden other people. Will get the raw materials soon and once it's done, I'll surely upload the final product!

If you're interested with these cute soaps as favours too, just go to BaliSoap, the PIC (in my case, I dealt with Ms Yuli) will be very helpful and assist you through out your order. Have fun!


Saturday, May 29, 2010


My family and I attended the food tasting at SACC today. I was quite disappointed as Niwa forgotten my add-on menu, which was Buttered Prawn. The original menu was :

Nasi Minyak
Daging Rendang Tok
Ikan Masam Manis
Ayam Masak Merah
Dalca Sayur/Pajeri Nanas

Sirap Selasih

Kuih Melayu
Kopi/Teh Tarik

So before the food tasting, I've requested to swap 'Daging Rendang Tok' with 'Daging Dendeng' and add-on 'Buttered Prawn' to the menu. And to have Dalca Sayur, not Pajeri Nanas. Unfortunately, Niwa only swapped the Daging, and she promised to conduct another food tasting for the Prawn. Oh, well. We'll see. But fortunate for me, she said that Dalca Sayur and Pajeri Nanas will both be in the menu. Weee. Well, luckily I brought some 'good' food tasters as I am not expert myself. But personally, I did not like the Daging Dendeng, which like K.Maz said, "Daging Dendeng should be dark and red..", which it wasn't. So I'm hoping the 2nd attempt of food tasting will not frustrate me again. And LadyBoss suggested to change the Dalca Sayur to Mix Vege. Hmm. But we absolutely love the presentation, especially the cutleries (I know, just wait and see, than you'll know what I'm talking about) and the dessert. :)

Right after that, I met the wedding planner, assisted by Niwa & Yahdina, to discuss about my pelamin. I explained to Mr Dinzuiz about my dress colour (light turqoise-greenish) and my idea to have the decorations in peach. He paused, and gave his honest opinion about it, and I absorbed it nicely. As I know I,myself, am not excellent in nothing (;c), so I accepted his suggestion to mix a little bit of pink touch to the flowers. And then, came in K.Maz to give her own piece of mind, and ... I have to agree that they know what they're saying and I am sure the outcome would be great. So the decorations turned out to be pink-peach kinda.

In the end of the session, I sat down with Niwa, accompanied by Ms Tinkris, who's new at SACC, but seemed good at what she's doing, (prolly coz she's new?), or from her previous work experience. Niwa agreed to set up another meeting with the person-in-charged for the sound system so that we could discuss further on the PA system for the band and stuffs.

Next, I picked him up and we went to collect our sijil Kursus Kahwin which we previously attended a week ago at Pusat Kejiranan Presint 16, Putrajaya. The price for the course is a standard amount of RM80 (at least we think it's standard through some surveys). The place was OK, and overall the speakers was not so bad either. Only that, how we wish that the free meal (included in the package) would be a little bit more ... satisfying. We both thought the Teh O was super sweet but the air Sirap was tasteless (which was supposed to be sweet since it's ... SYRUP!). Karipap was nice, though. But all in all, Alhamdulillah we've done it. Next!

All right. And then, came the best part of the day...

We went for our 1st shopping for hantaran today. The total damage was RM1184. *ngeee* Here are the details :

Shirt & Tie
Budget cost : RM150
Actual cost : RM79 (without tie) - after using RM20 cash voucher

(for him)
Budget cost : RM300
Actual cost : RM300 (after 10% discount) + free watch stand!
(for her)
Budget cost : RM(not in the list!) LOL.
Actual cost : RM320 (after 15% discount) ♥ the box!

(for him)
Budget cost : RM(not in the list 2!)
Actual cost : RM250 (free DKNY travelling bag)
(for her)
Budget cost : RM300
Actual cost : RM235 (free DKNY document bag)

Calculator check = I'm soooo gonna do OPP everyday, starting right NOW! *errrkkk*

As a bonus, he got himself some stuffs, and also, he bought me a pair of Nike Dunk-Hi! (not in the list 3!!!) Weeee. Absolutely love it!

Who says we need an occasion to buy a present? ;P

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Went to D'Renjis yesterday to explain my dream-dress to Kak Ani, the tailor. Found out that the person I was dealing with about my package before has resigned. Thank God I went there in time, I think Kak Ani almost forgot about my dress. :( Anywayz, I am not hoping for such high expectation on this because I know that my taste of art & design is always the opposite of the majority, but I am just a bit relieved that now I can focus on other things.

Just a slight info on my dream wedding dress - It will be a long 1 piece dress, with empire waist, lace top and the bottom part will be from flowy chiffon material. Well, I really hope it won't go the total opposite of what I've imagined. Of course I can't expect a tip-top result as Kak Ani is not like the other well-known designers but based on her previous works, I must say that she is indeed a good tailor.

Till the next one!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bandung damage.

A little bit on Bandung's update.

The 4 days trip apparently was not enough. Since we have discovered some new ideas at the very last minute. Despite the fact that we missed our flight from LCCT and had to buy a brand new ticket (yerp, all 4 of us), we still enjoyed the trip and happy with the goods bought. And that extra 10kg, was not our fault. Heee. Many of my cousins are also tying up the knot this year, so we took some orders as well..

Ok this post has been dreaded long enough so let's make this quick.

In Bandung, we stayed at De' Tropis. A very nice place, with complimentary coffee/tea/(the oh-so-famous) Teh Botol at the pantry, nice background music at night, very friendly staffs especially Pak Adi & Pak Untung! The security guy looked young but he's nice too, helped us to call for dinner-delivery, only that I didn't get to know his name. ;P

So the damage in Bandung were :

For family and friends -
  • Telekung (loads & loads of them!) - not really sure who LadyBoss wanna give them to, but I always take a deep breath and God willing, any excess will just be a 'sedeqah'. Price ranged from Rp80.000 - Rp210.000 each.
  • Textile : For LadyBoss & 2 sisters, for brothers' 3 baju Melayu, 5 usherettes, 1 thick cotton fabric which LadyBoss claimed to make her jubah = Rp1.600.000
Favours -
  • Tasbih (50pcs-large) : Rp1.000 each
  • Tasbih (800pcs-small) : Rp700 each ; cousin's order
  • Fan (50pcs-small,chiffon) : Rp500 each
  • Bekas zip-around mengkuang (100pcs) : Rp1.000 each
  • Kotak songket (24pcs-medium,square) : Rp2.500 each
  • Bekas dompet (800pcs-batik) : Rp1.000 each ; cousin's order
  • Sampul (supposedly) for buku doa (50pcs) : Rp1.000 each
All these were boxed and sealed at Dinar Accessories in Pasar Baru.

My cousin also ordered her giftbox and tag in advanced and we collected them at Salsa Souvenir, also in Pasar Baru. The final product was Alhamdulillah, not disappointing. She paid for about Rp2.130.000 which include 800 personalized giftbox + thank you tags.

We also went to Tangkuban Perahu just to chill and relax a little. Bought those sweet strawberries & raspberries (which said to have been dipped in sugar syrup), but sokaylah, sedeqah pada 'orang gunung'.

We had lunch at Simpang Raya. Ada small gazebos where we had to bersila sambil makan. (Cheh, kat rumah makan atas meja, pegi tempat orang nak bersila pulak kan!) Haha. But the food was great! Gurame bakar, tempe, ulam. Very layannn. I don't really fancy jus Alpukat. It's too thick for me, but if you don't mind sucking up your heart through that straw, do give it a try!

Our supir for the day, Pak Dadan also brought us to some (must-go) FOs along Jalan SetiaBudi - Rumah Mode, Jalan Dago-Grande,Raffles,Natural,Donatello,etc. We did not manage to go to Jalan Riau because it's a little bit difficult having LadyBoss coming along for a long walk. Not that she's a burden, but I understand how she didn't really enjoy what I did. So after watching me go in and out of the dressing room and hi-jacked sister's plastic-money, we went off to look for some tudung. Pak Dadan brought us to Rabbani but we insisted to go to Syafira's boutique after that because Pak Adi has told us about their good factory-price. But we were so disappointed because apparently Pak Dadan did not know where we could get that cheap-price for Syafira's beautiful tudung so we were driven to the exclusive boutique, instead. LadyBoss and sister both bought a piece each.

Towards the end of the day, we found out about a long stretch of great 'tokos' specially for printings - cards, buku doa, etc. And we just HAD to find out about it on the day before our departure back to KL. Went into one shop, and walked out to see another one, but all of them have already closed. ;c So we planned to go out early the next day, hopefully we could run and get the best deal for whatever we want (at that time we haven't decided yet!-HAHA) before heading to the airport.

Next morning, sis & hubby went to Toko Tiga to buy (kinda)-cheap Levi's jeans while LadyBoss & I went straight to Jalan Astanaanyar to start our search. It was not all-fun having the idea of us both walking looking for stuffs because it was super difficult to stop and agree at something that both of us like. But after that, we stopped by a small printing shop with no fancy what-so-ever pancy in it, no air-cond, just a table fan, I think. Printings were done mostly by hand and I mean, manually! One hand put a paper in the machine, another hand stamp it, put aside, and repeat till maybe thousands of them! And I just knew right that second, I've found my printer! :P The price for a small buku Doa with Asma'ul Husna is Rp4.000 each, and my wedding card is Rp3.000 each for 500pcs. It's hardcover-ed, without envelope. I requested for free envelope but failed, and without wanting to waste anymore energy, I agreed to pay extra Rp500 each for 250pcs of envelope.

And then I started to bang my head to the wall because not knowing how to bring those things back, since it will only be ready in few weeks' time.

Alhamdulillah, couple of weeks later, an old friend, staying nearby got back from Bandung. So I passed the buku Doa through her. But for my wedding invitations, I've planned to ask for a dear friend's help when they went there for their honeymoon in July. :D Thank you! I hope nothing would freak me out because I just want to receive the invitations and started sending it out to guests just before August and hopefully everything will be done on time.

That is all a little bit here and there on Bandung's update. Even though it's a little delayed, but hey, better late than never, right?

Am now kinda excited about my favours for SACC's reception. Will update on that when everything is (at least) 50% confirmed. Oh, and will be going to D'Renjis tomorrow to discuss about my dress design. Hopefully the tailor could create it beautifully on me. Till the next one. Ta~

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mix and match!

Yesterday, I went to colour-hunting with Nad, since she's the fabric-sifu. Like I've told her earlier, I've shortlisted my choice of colour to turquoise. The problem was to look for what type of turquoise. And I am quite happy with what we've found. The colour combination (so far) is gonna be turquoise - peach - gray. Hmm.

We also stopped by at some jewelery shops to check out some ring designs. Everything is still under (his) budget. So need not to worry about that. But anyways, if you are wondering when is the perfect time to buy ring, the answer is now till 02 May 2010. Good news for all bride-to-bes, Habib Jewel is having Habib Diamond Fest '10. But what does it really mean? Does 'fest' equals to 'discounts'? I certainly hope so. And I'm hoping for a big one! Woohoo~ But of course, I have to wait for him to get back here, since the promo will be held till another month. Where I think most of the good ones are sold, already. *sobsob*

So we're going to Bandung, Indonesia to hunt for souvenirs and fabrics for family and friends. We also checked out a few money changer, yesterday. The one in SS15 (same row as Maybank), gave us RM373 for 1 juta Rupiah. When we checked at MidValley, it was RM369. Weehoo. Gonna check at a few other places more before doing that final exchange. *ka-ching!*

Let me just list out the things to buy, here, before I forget myself.

I'm buying ...
  • Anak tudung and tudung for all 3 events (nikah, reception 01, reception 02)
  • Shoe for reception 02
  • Souvenirs for high table
  • Favours (still craving for the ones from Bali, but am still open for options)
  • Card (finalizing the design)
  • Fabrics for Bridesmaids and few family members
  • T-shirt for him (takde kene mengene langsung)
(I think) LadyBoss is buying ...
  • Souvenirs for family members
  • Favours for that 'surprise' event
And that is all, I guess. Well, we have not really sit down and discuss what to buy and so on. Will do it, today! Heee. Calculating ... calculating ... But my money is still not yet in. How great is that? Well, let's just pray that everything turns out fine! And most importantly, to bring enough cash and no excess luggage, please!

Insya-Allah. :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

List shortened!

A slight of burden has been shoved off our shoulders.

While he was back for a few weeks before heading back again to the Borneo city, we tried to squeeze in as many things as possible to be settled. And up to this moment, we have secured bookings for both of our receptions' attire, photography & videography.

For my reception, we've booked a package of attire, pelamin and makeup from D'Renjis. But since I already have my preferred makeup-artist, MOLA, we substitute it with stair-decoration and arch at the entrance. We have not decided with the colour, yet, but we've done measurement for the attire since he won't be around for another month or so.

For his reception, we've booked attire from Rins Suzana. I chose a ready-to-wear dress. Unfortunately, he needs to fork out another RM200 to get a tailor-made suit for his difficult size.

As for the photos and videos, we've decided to go with Avicenna. We only need to find another photographer for nikah event.

That's the update for now! Phew.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

3rd one is a charm?

Today is the 3rd consecutive day of our baju-hunting. We started from Bangi - Putrajaya - Bangi. It was very tiring because we have to go back and forth for bringing our parents separately as bringing all of them together might not be a good idea. Many thanks to him for driving around while I'm mostly asleep all the time.

And of all the days, today, when I'm supposed to deliver products to my consumer and meeting new prospect, had to be the day I fell sick. So our hunt was cut short and LadyBoss plans to attend this weekend's Bridal Fair in PWTC to sum up the week.

Day 01, we went to check out Video & Photo Packages at Avicenna. If the link is still not working, do check them out on Facebook. We haven't decided on which package to take, but the offer was pretty good, though. After that, we checked out a couple of bridal boutiques nearby. First, it was Pesona Asmara. Tried on 1 white dress. Didn't look good on me. Next, we moved on to Leezsha. The designs were OK. The price was acceptable. But the attitude, was kinda tak boleh blah. Sorry. All the best to your 'royal' designs.

Day 02, brought LadyBoss to check out Puteris in Putrajaya. I love ALL the designs, and I mean ALL! Tried on 3 dresses. 1 with complete set of tudung, veil and tiara. He also tried on a complete set of baju melayu. LadyBoss' and my best choice of the day was Yellow Mustard. He likes silver, though. Later in the afternoon, we continued with his parents to Bandar Baru Bangi. I forgot the first boutique we went in, nothing to woo about, though. Next, we went to Zee Eika. This boutique was suggested by his bestmate since he'll be taking their package for his big day. I fell in love with that 1 dress, but have no energy to try it on. His parents were busy discussing about the catering package while we were dreaming about in our own world. The last pit stop of the day was Azue Bridal. The dresses were almost as cantek as Puteris' but the price was half of what Puteris offered! Bye-bye Puteris. I love you but unfortunately not my moolah.

Day 03, I was excited to bring LadyBoss to see what Azue Bridal has to offer. I tried on 1 dress. Fell in love with it. And we almost decided on our theme colour. Almost. And then I voiced it out that I was too weak as I think the viruses are partying in my body. So we stopped to grab a quick lunch. Waited for Nad because she wanted to join our venture that day. Next, we headed to D'Renjis. The address we had was its previous boutique, and thanks to its updated website, we managed to get the correct address. By this time, I just wanted to grab a chair and glue myself onto it. I don't know if it was my sick body and I want to get it done fast, or the price which is very affordable, all the dresses I saw were beautiful. I just feel like grabbing one and declare it to be mine on the big day but LadyBoss has another idea. She wants to make a new dress with their package as she said my body could not fit any of the dresses they have.

But till now, nothing has been confirmed, yet. Still surveying and thinking and dreaming. Hopefully all these will be done realll soon.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

1 down, many more to go!

After lots of calculating, comparing and thinking, LadyBoss and I have agreed on our reception venue. I am here to announce that, insya Allah, ours will be held in SACC Convention Centre, Shah Alam. They offer full package for weddings, and I think it is somehow a bit relaxing to us because we do not have to think much on certain area. Hm.

Anyways, let me list down what are the things included in the package, for your reference :

  • Banquet hall preparation for reception
  • Tables and chairs preparation for guests and VIP
  • Dome serving according to menu of our choice, including cutleries and decorations for all guests, VIPs, bride and groom.
  • Extra special menu for main table with individual waiter.
  • Menu cards on main table and guests'.
  • Uniformed and trained waiters.
  • Dais design with fresh flower decoration according to chose theme colour, including accessories for adat merenjis (for Malay weddings), small pillow and fan.
  • Fresh flower decorations with high pedestal stands at the hall entrance.
  • Red carpet from entrance to the stage, equipped with fresh flower decorations with pedestal stands along the walkway.
  • Fresh flower decorations for main table.
  • PA System (basic) usage during the event, including rostrum for emcee and speeches.
  • LCD Projector with 2 units of screen usage for Live Feed (not including videographer and beta-cam)
  • Dressing rooms for bride and groom.
  • VIP holding room.
  • Preparation of registration and gifts desks at the entrance.
  • 5-tier dummy cake for cutting cake ceremony.
  • 3 sets of bunga manggar.
  • Food tasting.
  • 4 VIPs' parking facility.\
The above package is for Dome serving, and of course they provide Buffet serving as well. There is no other difference between those 2 packages.

If you would like to know the price for these packages, do drop me an e-mail and I would be glad to share the info with you. And just to keep you well-noted, since I was naive in this matter before, when the quotation is given to you, with nett price and '++', please be reminded that '++' is some amount of money. Gulp. So be prepared to fork out a little MORE from the quoted price.

For solemnization ceremony, it will be done in Masjid Darul Ehsan (duh!) since our house is situated right in front of the Masjid. :) We have booked D'Hidang from Shah Alam (as always) for catering on the event. Their package usually include everything (canopy+decoration+tables and chairs+dishes & cutleries). But since we're planning on something that's super budget-saver. We might not need the canopies. Weeee.

Ok, I will keep you posted when the next stage is done. Which is ah-lot! Stay tuned!

As for now, only the venue and date has been confirmed. The rest, is still (yes, still) in planning and discussion stage. :<

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reception Hall

The first and foremost, before starting anything, we must decide on the venue first. Once we've confirmed the venue and available date, then only other steps follow. And this is the crucial part. To set the date and venue of our choice.

He and I have gone surveying for a few places (and I mean, really few) around Shah Alam, thought of some places in Putrajaya, and tried to recall the wedding ceremonies we've attended to. None really caught my mind. At first, we went to search for Dewan Cattleya which is situated in Wisma Perbadanan Pembangunan Pertanian (PKPS). Typical Sunday, a wedding event was held at that time and we had the chance to sneak in to check on the decorations and layout of the hall. Not bad. Only that we were kinda blur upon entering the building as there was no sign informing where the hall is located. There were a couple of guys who were looking for it too at the time. Survey #1 done, we moved on to the next one.

After consulting Ainor the FlowerGuy who is the master of Shah Alam, we tried to check out SACC Convec. We almost skip this one after being told by Ainor about the package, but we decided to check it out anyways, and luckily we did. Coincidently also, a function was about to go on that night so the hall was fully decorated already for the event. Man, was the hall huge. Of course it's not like PWTC, but still, it's a huge convention centre. And because the building is new, it adds extra points to it. We went to discuss about the package with the PIC and they only offer full package. Full package means you just bring yourself ready with makeup & all, everything else is settled, including hall decorations, food, dais, PA system (basic), LCD projector & screen, red carpet, makeup room, prayer room (very nice, did I mention very new?), ... Owh, and we also met Hattan, the singer. :)

Later, we went back to his place, and surveyed a lake garden nearby. It was raining so we didn't walk about much. Just had RM2 keropok lekor in a cup and went back home.

Last week, he surprised me saying that his reception will be held in Dewan Merak Kayangan. I didn't expect my wedding will be held in that place in million years, and was happy for him because he was extremely excited about it. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), his parents decided to make it nearer to home. Which I totally agree. I don't think having our event in KL is appropriate since we're Selangor-ian. :P

But guess what, till now, none of us have actually decided the place, yet. I know I'm gonna know mine soon. But what I can say is, I'm pretty much confirm that our wedding will be held on the day we've picked. Let's hope it stays that way. Insya-Allah.

Monday, January 25, 2010


This is the first post.
Let me introduce ourselves.
I am 'heejau'. He is 'stabilz. We are two person in love.
heejau + stabilz = engaged
The purpose of creating this blog is to write down the step by steps taken during the journey of our wedding preparation. Hope we could share a little here and there for others who are in the same situation as we are now. Do let us know if you guys have any comments or suggestions which can help us decide on our big day.
Let's start. In the name of Allah...